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package com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.filters
    import com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.MDataGridColumn;
    import com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.MDataGridEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;

     * The DateRangeFilter class defines MDataGrid column filter 
     * which filters rows containing dates based on specified minimum 
     * and maximum values.
     * <p>This filter also provides information about range of dates
     * found in MDataGrid data provider.</p>
    public class DateRangeFilter extends ColumnFilterBase
         * Constructor.
        public function DateRangeFilter(column:MDataGridColumn)
            dataGrid.addEventListener(MDataGridEvent.ORIGINAL_COLLECTION_CHANGE, originalCollectionChandeHandler, false, 0, true);
         * Minimum date found in MDataGrid column related to this filter.
        public var dataMinimum:Date;
         * Maximum date found in MDataGrid column related to this filter
        public var dataMaximum:Date;
         * Minimum date allowed in MDataGrid column related to this filter.
         * Items with date less than <code>minimum</code> will be eliminated.
        public function get minimum():Date
            return _minimum;
         * @private
        public function set minimum(value:Date):void
            _minimum = value;
         * @private
         * Storage variable for minimum property.
        protected var _minimum:Date;
         * Maximum date allowed in MDataGrid column related to this filter.
         * Items with date greater than <code>minimum</code> will be eliminated.
        public function get maximum():Date
            return _maximum;
         * @private
        public function set maximum(value:Date):void
            _maximum = value;
         * @private
         * Storage variable for maximum.
        protected var _maximum:Date;
         * Update <code>dataMinimum</code> and <code>dataMaximum</code> values.
        protected function updateOriginalDateRange():void
            var min:Date = new Date(10000,0,1); //is there infinity date?
            var max:Date = new Date(-10000,0,1);
            for each (var item:Object in dataGrid.originalCollection)
                var value:Date = itemToDate(item);
                if (value)
                    if (value < min)
                        min = value;
                    if (value > max)
                        max = value;
            if (minimum == null)
                minimum = min;
            if (maximum == null)
                maximum = max;
            dataMinimum = min;
            dataMaximum = max;
         * @private
         * Collection change event handler attached to original collection of MDataGrid.
        protected function originalCollectionChandeHandler(event:Event):void
         * Return date for the given item.
         * @param item MDataGrid item.
         * @return numeric value for the given item.
        protected function itemToDate(item:Object):Date
            var value:Date
                if (column.dataField)
                    if (item[column.dataField] is Date)
                        value = item[column.dataField];
                        value = new Date(item[column.dataField]);
                    value = new Date(column.itemToLabel(item));
            return value;
         * Flag indicating wether this filter is active 
         * i.e may eliminate some items from MDataGrid data provider.
        override public function get isActive():Boolean
            return (minimum != dataMinimum || maximum != dataMaximum);
         * Test if given MDataGrid item should remain in MDataGrid data provider.
        override public function filterFunction(obj:Object):Boolean
            var value:Date = itemToDate(obj);
            if (value)
                if (minimum && value < minimum)
                    return false;
                if (maximum && value > maximum)
                    return false;
            return true;