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package com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.filters
    import com.iwobanas.controls.MDataGrid;
    import com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.MDataGridColumn;
    import com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.MDataGridEvent;
    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
    import mx.core.mx_internal;
     * Dispatched when the state of the filter changes.
     * Such change may cause different MDataGrid items to be excluded from data provider.
     * @eventType com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.MDataGridEvent.FILTER_VALUE_CHANGE
    [Event(name="filterValueChange", type="com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.MDataGridEvent")]
     * The ColumnFilterBase class defines base class for MDataGrid column filters.
     * Column filters serves as model and controller in the MDataGrid filtering mechanism
     * while filter editors represents view.
     * Column filters are responsible for:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Storing the state of a filter applied to a given column</li>
     * <li>Exposing <code>filterFunction</code> function and <code>isActive</code> 
     * variable used by MDataGrid to filter data</li>
     * <li>Providing information about MDataGrid data to filter editors</li>
     * </ul>
    public class ColumnFilterBase extends EventDispatcher
         * Constructor.
        public function ColumnFilterBase(column:MDataGridColumn)
            this.column = column;
         * Flag indicating wether this filter is active 
         * i.e may eliminate some items from MDataGrid data provider.
         * This getter should be overridden by concrete column filters.
        public /* abstract */ function get isActive():Boolean
            return false;
         * Test if given MDataGrid item should remain in MDataGrid data provider.
         * This function should be overridden by concrete column filters.
         * <p>If filter is active this function is called by MDataGrid for every item
         * and if <code>false</code> is returned item is eliminated from data provider.
         * If <code>true</code> is returned item remains in data provider 
         * unless other filter eliminate it.</p>
         * <p>
         * This function might be called many times during one screen refresh 
         * so it should not be computationally expensive.
         * <p>
        public /* abstract */ function filterFunction(obj:Object):Boolean
            return true;
         * MDataGrid column related to this filter.
        public var column:MDataGridColumn;
         * MDataGrid related to this filter.
        protected function get dataGrid():MDataGrid
            return column.mx_internal::owner as MDataGrid;
         * Inform MDataGrid about the change to this filter.
        protected function commitFilterChange():void
            if (dataGrid)
            dispatchEvent(new MDataGridEvent(MDataGridEvent.FILTER_VALUE_CHANGE));