package com.iwobanas.utils
* The WildcardUtils class is an all-static class with methods for working with wildcards.
* You do not create instances of WildcardUtils; instead you simply call static methods such as the WildcardUtils.wildcardToRegExp() method.
public class WildcardUtils
* Convert wildcard string to regular expression.
* @param wildcard wildcard string to be converted to regular expression
* @param flags flags used to create regular expression (see RegExp documentation)
* @param asterisk whether asterisk is interpreted as any character sequence
* @param questionMark whether question mark is interpreted as any character
* @return regular expression equivalent to passed wildcard
public static function wildcardToRegExp(wildcard:String, flags:String = "i", asterisk:Boolean = true, questionMark:Boolean = true):RegExp
var resultStr:String;
resultStr = wildcard.replace(/[\^\$\\\.\+\(\)\[\]\{\}\|]/g, "\\$&");
resultStr = resultStr.replace(/[\?]/g, ".");
resultStr = resultStr.replace(/[\*]/g, ".*?");
return new RegExp(resultStr, flags);