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The Original Code is: www.iwobanas.com code samples.

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package com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses
    import com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;
     *  The BoldSearchItemRenderer class defines a item renderer for search enabled DataGrid.
     *  The only difference compared to default DataGridItemRenderer is that the BoldSearchItemRenderer
     *  when used with DataGrid implementing <code>ISearchable</code> highlights searched text by changing font weight to bold.
    public class BoldSearchItemRenderer extends DataGridItemRenderer
         * @private
        override public function validateProperties():void
            // if owner is searchable and searchExpression si set we highlight all matches of searchExpression
            if (listData && listData.owner is ISearchable)
                var dg:ISearchable = ISearchable(listData.owner);
                if (dg.searchExpression)
                    htmlText = listData.label.replace(dg.searchExpression, "<b>$&</b>");
                    htmlText = listData.label;