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The Original Code is: www.iwobanas.com code samples.

The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Iwo Banas.
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.

package com.iwobanas.controls
    import com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable;
    import com.iwobanas.utils.WildcardUtils;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import mx.collections.CursorBookmark;
    import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
    import mx.controls.DataGrid;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;

     * This class extends standard mx.controls.DataGrid by adding following features:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Searching across all columns with option to find next / previous item</li>
     * <li>Filtering data using column header drop downs (not implemented yet)</li>
     * </ul>
    public class DataGrid extends mx.controls.DataGrid implements ISearchable
         * @copy com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable#found
        public function get found():Boolean
            return _found;
         * @private
         * Storage for current found value.
        protected var _found:Boolean;
         * @private
         * Set <code>found</code> value and dispatch "searchResultChanged" event if needed.
        protected function setFound(value:Boolean):void
            if (value != _found)
                _found = value;
                dispatchEvent(new Event("searchResultChanged"));
         * @copy com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable#searchString
        public function get searchString():String
            return _searchString;
         * @private
         * Storage for current searchString value.
        protected var _searchString:String;

         * @copy com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable#searchExpression
        public function get searchExpression():RegExp
            return _searchExpression;
         * @private
         * Storage for current searchExpression value.
        protected var _searchExpression:RegExp;
         * Find item matching given wildcard and assign first match to selectedItem.
         * <p>Unlike standard findSting() function this functions searches labels of all visible columns.
         * It also supports wildcards containing <code>"?"</code> or <code>"*"</code> characters 
         * interpreted as any character or any character sequence respectively.</p>
         * <p>The search starts at <code>selectedIndex</code> location and if match is find stops immediately.
         * If it reaches the end of the data provider it starts over from the beginning. 
         * If you need to navigate between matches user <code>findNext() / findPrevious()</code> functions.</p>
         * @param wildcard text to search for
         * @param caseInsensitive flag indicating whether search should be case insensitive
         * @return <code>true</code> if text was fond or <code>false</code> if not
         * @see com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable
        public function find(wildcard:String, caseInsensitive:Boolean = true):Boolean
            if (!wildcard)
                _searchString = null;
                _searchExpression = null;
                dispatchEvent(new Event("searchParamsChanged"));
                return false;
            _searchString = wildcard;
            _searchExpression = WildcardUtils.wildcardToRegExp(wildcard, caseInsensitive ? "ig":"g");
            dispatchEvent(new Event("searchParamsChanged"));
            return findItem();
         * @copy com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable#findNext()
        public function findNext():Boolean
            return findItem(true, true);
         * @copy com.iwobanas.core.ISearchable#findPrevious()
        public function findPrevious():Boolean
            return findItem(false, true);
         * @private
         * Iterate through data provider and check if it matches search condition by calling <code>matchItem()</code>.
         * If matching item is found set <code>selectedIndex</code> to point to this item and scroll the content 
         * so that selected item can be seen.
         * @param forward determines if items should be searched forward (from top to bottom) or backward.
         * @param skip determines if search should start at <code>selectedIndex</code> or one item after/before.
        protected function findItem(forward:Boolean = true, skip:Boolean = false):Boolean
            var cursor:IViewCursor = collection.createCursor();
            var itemFound:Boolean = false;
            if (selectedIndex > 0)
                cursor.seek(CursorBookmark.FIRST, selectedIndex);
            if (skip)
                if (forward)
            // iterate through collection, note that "i" is not current index
            for (var i:int = 0; i < collection.length; i++)
                if (matchItem(cursor.current))
                    itemFound = true;
                if (forward)
                if (cursor.afterLast)
                if (cursor.beforeFirst)
            if (itemFound)
                selectedItem = cursor.current;
                //scrollToIndex(selectedIndex); scrolls the content so that selected item is always the first item
                // we wanted selected item to be at the bottom if we scroll downward so scrollToIndex is not used.
                if (selectedIndex < verticalScrollPosition)
                    verticalScrollPosition = selectedIndex;
                if (selectedIndex > verticalScrollPosition + rowCount - lockedRowCount - 2) // 1 for header + 1 for last row
                    verticalScrollPosition = selectedIndex - rowCount + lockedRowCount + 2;
            return itemFound;
         * @private
         * Mathes search parameters against item.
         * @param item item to be matched
         * @return <code>true</code> if item matches search parameters, <code>false</code> otherwise.
        protected function matchItem(item:Object):Boolean
            for each (var column:DataGridColumn in columns)
                if (column.visible && _searchExpression.test(column.itemToLabel(item)))
                    _searchExpression.lastIndex = 0;
                    return true;
            return false;